How To Find Your Art Style in 2020
We know it can be difficult, it feels like every idea you have has been taken. We are going to find out how to find your art style in 2020. There is such a thing as an art style, and many different artists have been defined with it over the years. But with the internet generation it feels like everyone can draw? And everyone is super talented, and everyone has their own individual art style, while you feel like you are copying bits from different artists.
Never fear! With this guide you will find just what your true style is. No longer will you have to google ‘How to find my art style’!
How to develop an art style
Now you have an art style – you still need to find out How to develop your own art style. This can be difficult, but the one key thing that is needed is Practice. The thing is – art is about breaking rules and boundaries. When Picasso painted his works – the like had not eben seen before. This is what we want to achieve today. It can feel difficult, like everything has already been done. But this is where the developing comes in.
What is style in art?
Really, if someone knew the secret to this – they would be rich! Style is inexplicable, a feeling, a thought. To really develop a style, you need to find out what makes your art individual, and unique. It’s no good copying others. You could even take a How to find your art style quiz for some extra fun. How to find your own art style can be demoralising, and frustrating but, believe us. Follow these tips and you will not be disappointed.
Types of Art Styles
To find your art style, firstly we need to know what styles of art there already are out there To find out What style of art emphasizes emotion feeling and imagination, and other emotions.
Tumblr Art Style
Tumblr art style is very sketch based, people posting WIP (work in progress) screenshots in a blog style, so they can get feedback and more. Sometimes this is even in Cartoon form, or comic strip to create a narrative.
Anime Art Style
This style is very big at the moment. Anime has a lot of different styles within it, but stems from cartoons and bright colours. If you are starting out drawing there are a lot of resources on how to draw in these Japanese art styles.

Cartoon Art Style
A classic, that anyone can put their own flare on. Cartoon art adds a narrative, and therefore more character to the work. We can then reflect and place our own personalities into the characters. People interact with cartoons in this way.
Cute Art Style
Cartoons, and Anime also have cute art styles within them. There are many different types, you could be drawing people, hamsters or animals. People love cute animals, and if you ever wanted to sell your work, this might be a good path for you.
Tim Burton Art Style
This is a personal favourite – a Gothic art style. This style harks back to Victorian era gothic, and the cartoons at the time featuring a lot of greyscale, and dark vibes. Sometimes quite scary images. View some of Tim Burton’s early sketches he did when he was a Disney concept artist to get some of the vibes…
Sword Art Online
If you are looking for more of an online hobby, there are a lot of fantasy games, and video games that like pixel art, and abstract art. Perhaps digital art will be your calling?
Games like minecraft allow you to create your own Skins and designs for aspects of the game. These can be very popular – and could result in you making money from selling custom bespoke designs for people.
Art Style Challenge

If you are lacking in energy or the get up and go to just start drawing – maybe think about doing an Art style challenge. This will challenge you to go out of your comfort zone and maybe think about new styles and ways that you have never tried before.
There are so many different media to use when making art, along with the different formats:
Performance Art, Digital Art, and Painting, Drawing, Graffiti Art to name but a few. Media arts and mixed media art is very big at the moment, because it uses many different aspects and ways to convey one message.
Get inspired!
Sometimes all you need is a little inspiration. Perhaps immersing yourself in a range of styles of art will be just the thing you need to get inspiration. There are many Art museums across the USA, from the Denver Art Museum, to the Philadelphia Museum of art. View our Indiana Art Gallery for more.